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July 2024

Relationships and Identity

In July 2024, Section 9, Training and Development was updated to include the LGBTQ+ learning framework from Skills for Care.

Nutrition and Hydration

In July 2024, Section 3, Providing Support was updated to include a link to the Everyday Healthcare chapter for guidance about delegated healthcare activities.

Dignity and Respect

In July 2024, Section 2, Opportunities to treat people with dignity and respect was updated to include a link to a resource about inclusive language.

Culturally Appropriate Care and Support

In July 2024, Section 1, Introduction to culturally appropriate care was updated to include a link to a resource about recording ethnicity. 

May 2024

The Use of Surveillance Technology

In May 2024, this new chapter was added to the section ‘Health and Safety of Everyone’.

Supporting People with Complex Needs and Specific Conditions

In May 2024, information about delegated healthcare activities was moved to the chapter Everyday Healthcare.

Relationships and Identity

In May 2024, information about Regulation 9A: Visiting and accompanying in care homes, hospitals and hospices was added to Section 5, Relationship support.

Preventing Abuse and Neglect

In May 2024, a video in Section 8, Staffing, supervision and training was removed as it is no longer available.

Personal and Intimate Care

In May 2024, a resource to support people to understand menstruation was added to Section 3.

Information and Guidance for Specific Safeguarding issues

In May 2024, Section 1, Pressure Ulcers was revised to reflect the updated government guidance ‘Pressure Ulcers: how to safeguard adults’. The following sections were also reviewed and refreshed, with the addition of several government resources: Domestic abuse, Mate crime and cuckooing, County lines, Radicalisation and violent extremism, Honour based abuse and forced marriage.  

Health and Social Care Act 2008 (Regulated Activities) Regulations 2014 (Part 3)

In May 2024, Section 7, Regulation 9A. Visiting and accompanying in care homes, hospitals and hospices was updated to include a link to the newly published CQC guidance.

Everyday Healthcare

In May 2024, Section 4, Delegated healthcare activities was added. In addition, information about women's health needs was added to Section 1, Everyday Healthcare and Information about Regulation 9A: Visiting and accompanying in care homes, hospitals and hospices was added to Section 2, Encouraging and supporting people.

Emergencies and Unplanned Events

In May 2024, information about Regulation 9A: Visiting and accompanying in care homes, hospitals and hospices was added to Section 5, Unknown visitors.

Choice and Control

In May 2024, information about Regulation 9A: Visiting and accompanying in care homes, hospitals and hospices was added to Section 3, Day-to-day choice and control.

Ageing, Illness and Dying

In May 2024, Section 6, Notifying Others was updated to include information about the requirement that local authorities should notify Ofsted of the death of any care leaver under the age of 25, where it is aware of their care leaver status.

April 2024

The DoLS Process

In April 2024, this chapter was reviewed and refreshed. This included adding a link to the latest online CQC DoLS notification forms in Section 5, CQC Notifications. 

Responding to a Deprivation of Liberty

In April 2024, this chapter was reviewed and refreshed. This included adding a link to the latest online CQC DoLS notification forms in Section 2.1, CQC Notifications.

Recognising a Deprivation of Liberty

In April 2024, this chapter was reviewed and refreshed.

Monitoring and Reviewing Restrictions

In April 2024, this chapter was reviewed and refreshed.

Health and Social Care Act 2008 (Regulated Activities) Regulations 2014 (Part 3)

In April 2024, a new section was added ‘Regulation 9A. Visiting and accompanying in care homes, hospitals and hospices’.

Disclosure and Raising a Concern

In April 2024, updated CQC notification links were added to Section 7, Additional Guidance for Managers.

March 2024

Quality of Life Tool (Specialist Services)

In March 2024, this new chapter was added to the Inspections and Assessment section of the contents list.

Nutrition and Hydration

In March 2024, a link to Alcohol management in care homes: A good practice guide for care staff was added to section 2 ‘Assessing Risks’ and the Related Chapters and Guidance.

Infection Prevention and Control (IPC)

In March 2024, a link to the GOV.UK guidance ‘Infection prevention and control in adult social care: acute respiratory infection’ was added to the ‘Related Chapters and Guidance’. This guidance contains measures to reduce the spread of viral acute infections, including COVID-19 in adult social care settings.

Confidentiality and Information Sharing

In March 2024, information was added about the free Data Security and Protection eLearning provided by the Digital Care Hub.

February 2024

Disclosure and Raising a Concern

In February 2024, Section 7.4, If the Person has Died was updated to clarify that a safeguarding concern should still be raised if the death may have been as a result of abuse or neglect.

Infection Prevention and Control Inspections

In February 2024 the related chapters and guidance section was updated to include a link to the new Service Assessment (Single Assessment Framework) chapter.

Commissioners Audit or Inspection

In February 2024 the related chapters and guidance section was updated to include a link to the new Service Assessment (Single Assessment Framework) chapter.

Service Assessment (Single Assessment Framework)

In February 2024, this new chapter was added to the section Inspections and Assessment.

Service Inspections (where the Single Assessment Framework does not yet apply)

In February 2024, this chapter was renamed and updated to clarify that it only applies to services where the single assessment framework is not yet in use.


December 2023

Equality, Diversity and Human Rights

In December 2023, this chapter was updated to include additional guidance from Skills for Care and information about the FREDA and EHRC (European Human Rights Commission) 9 principles for social care. In Section 7, Workplace Discrimination, the old EHRC link was replaced with a Citizens Advice link.

Recognising a Deprivation of Liberty

In December 2023, text amends have been made to Section 2, Identifying a deprivation of liberty to reflect feedback received following a full tri.x legal review of our Local Authority Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards Procedure.

September 2023

Everyday Healthcare

In September 2023, Section 1 ‘Everyday healthcare: NHS recommendations and guidance’ was updated to include information about supporting someone with a learning disability to manage constipation. A link to the NHS England ‘Constipation resources for carers’ was also added to the ‘Related Chapters and Guidance’.

Infection Prevention and Control (IPC)

In September 2023 Section 3 ‘Infection prevention and control measures was updated’ to include additional guidance for linen processing. A link to the Department of Health and Social Care information sheet on this topic was also added to the ‘Related Chapters and Guidance’.

July 2023

Supporting People with Complex Needs and Specific Conditions

In July 2023, information about the Oliver McGowan Mandatory Training on Learning Disability and Autism was added to Section 5, Autism, and Section 9, Profound and Multiple Learning Disabilities. At the same time, a link to the Skills for Care page relating to this training was added to the Learning, Development and Supervision section of the main contents list.


In July 2023, a new sub section was added to Section 2, Difficulties managing money. This included information about the Final Demand Guide. Updated in May 2023, the Final Demand Guide provides basic advice for health and social care workers, describing how they can practically help people with debt and mental health problems.

June 2023

The DoLS Process

In June 2023, a new Section 7, The Future of the Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards were added. At the same time, the chapter The Liberty Protection Safeguards Procedure was deleted.

Responding to a Deprivation of Liberty

In June 2023, Section 3, Young people aged 16 or 17 in any setting was updated to include a reference to the National Deprivation of Liberty Court’.

Recognising a Deprivation of Liberty

In June 2023, Section 2, Identifying a Deprivation of Liberty was updated to provide greater clarity on state imputability.

Monitoring and Reviewing Restrictions

In June 2023, new Section 7, Challenges to DoLS Arrangements was added.

April 2023

Medication Support

In April 2023, this chapter was updated. Links to individual CQC guidance documents were deleted and replaced with a link to the relevant CQC webpage. In Section 1, further guidance about the use of medication as restraint was also added.

Relationships and Identity

In April 2023, a link to the Skills for Care ‘Supporting personal relationships’ guide was added to the Related Chapters and Guidance section. Section 9, ‘Training and Development’ was also added, which includes information about toolkits from Skills for Care and Supported Loving. 

Service Inspections (where the Single Assessment Framework does not yet apply)

In April 2023, information about, and a link to the Skills for Care Single Assessment Framework inspection toolkit was added to Section 9, Further information and inspection toolkits.

March 2023

Culturally Appropriate Care and Support

New Skills for Care Culturally Appropriate Care guidance was added to the Related Chapters and Guidance section in March 2023.

Ageing, Illness and Dying

In March 2023, the following links were added to the Related Chapters and Guidance - ‘Universal Principles for Advance Care Planning’ ‘Delivering high quality end of life care for people who have a learning disability’ and ‘My Future Wishes: Advance Care Planning for people with dementia in all care settings’.